International Chest Day - 20221010

1 year ago

Back on the grind after a much needed rest week. Starting back with a little chest and trap action! Let's goooooooo!!!

Today’s Workout Routine:

Barbell Bench Press
Set 1: 135x10
Set 2: 185x10
Set 3: 205x10
Set 4: 225x10
Set 5: 275x3

Machine Incline Chest Press
Set 1: 98x15
Set 2: 123x12
Set 3: 143x10

Dumbbell Incline Bench Press
Set 1: 75x10
Set 2: 85x10
Set 3: 95x10

Dumbbell Incline Fly
Set 1: 50x10
Set 2: 50x10
Set 3: 50x10

Dumbbell Shoulder Shrug
Set 1: 100x20
Set 2: 100x20
Set 3: 100x20

Machine Shoulder Press
Set 1: 100x12
Set 2: 100x12
Set 3: 100x12

Training Shorts:


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