How a Bodybuilder Healed his Knees Shoulder and Heart with Stem Cells

1 year ago
147 (833) 445-9089
Hey, this is Josh Dream Body Clinic and the patient you're gonna see here is named Chris. Great guy. He is a retired bodybuilder and he has competed at the highest levels. Amazing guy, but, uh, that sport beats up your body. So he came down to start healing up. Uh, we started with an ival stem cells.
Bodybuilders really love this treatment because, you know that sport puts a lot of strain on the. You're carrying all that extra muscle the body doesn't want to, The heart has to pump a lot more blood, so getting your heart in order is number one. We do an IV and what's great, the IV goes straight to the heart.
First thing it does. We're seeing patients in congestive heart failure with ejection fractions under 35%, getting them back over 55% in range. Chris didn't have any of those issues, but you know, it's always a concern for anyone who's pushed any sport that hard for so long. This is gonna help regenerate his heart.
It'll also help with interior lining of the arteries, which is, uh, what usually gets worn down. And then LDL starts clinging to, Nobody wants that. You don't want clogged arteries. So we help the arteries from the inside, which is what you really want to do, because the LDL on its own isn't really that bad.
It's when it sticks, it's bad, but getting carried away. So we did that. We did his knees because you know, a lot of squats, a lot of leg workouts that will take its toll and we're having unreal success with knee treatments. Just had a patient that was fourth degree osteoarthritis that did treatment in January, she only did 25 million and we'd normally do, what we're doing now is 50 million, so she was at fourth degree.
Arthritis is now at second degree in one knee and second borderline, third degree in the other. I mean, we regenerated her cartilage. That's a huge difference. Even third to fourth to third degree is huge, but all the way to second's. Incredible. So she did another treatment. We're gonna get her even further.
And we do this with a lot of people. You know, if you catch it soon. Nick, hopefully in Chris's case, which is gonna be one and done, he's gonna get this done until he wears those knees out again. It'll be good. It's like me seven years ago, treated my knees partially torn, uh, acl, multiple meniscus tears.
Just had a new MRI here seven years later, Still fully regenerated. I've got a little car like cartilage degeneration now some arthritis under the kneecap. Easy. Did another treatment to help peel that up. So in Chris's case, hopefully one and done. And then we did his. Another thing, lifting all those weights so you know, it, it wears you out.
So getting his shoulder going, shoulders heal so fast, typically two and a half, three months because you're not working, you know, you're not walking on them every day. Like the knees, if you can lay off them for like two months, usually they heal incredibly well and fast. We can fix labrums, we can fix super spinosa, you know, torn muscles, ligaments, Um, the labrum obviously, like I said, and cartilage.
Arthritis. Never fun. So hopefully, same thing here for Chris. That'll just be one and done healed. He'll be back in the gym feeling awesome, lifting those heavy weights, feeling amazing. We want people to do what they love as long as they can, and that's the goal with meenal stem cells. And that's why we do them.
We wanna make sure that, you know, once you know you get older, maybe in your seventies, eighties, even nineties, we've had patients that we can get mobility back cuz he stopped moving. You're gonna die, you're gonna fall apart. It's not gonna be good. So keep moving, keep feeling good. Stem cells can help you do that.
The whole idea of meenal stem cells is that we want you to heal and move like you did when you're a little kid. The idea is healing the body. Like when you're a little kid, the stem cells are like the manager on the construction site. Guiding the repair, fixing everything up, getting rid of scar tissue, which is normally how our bodies heal as we get older and allowing it to regenerate like when you were a little kid.
So they work really well. We'd love to help you. If you've got questions, get ahold of us anytime. You can call us at (833) 445-9089. We'll answer all your questions or check out the Scroll down on the homepage. All the treatments are listed. Information and prices are listed.
Everything's there, so I'm Josh. Happy to help.

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