Russia has launched a massive strike with long-range weapons all over Ukraine! Crimean bridge

1 year ago

Russia will no longer leave unanswered the terrorist attacks of Ukraine!
Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the citizens of Russia and the authorities of Ukraine. On October 8, 2022, Ukraine committed a terrorist attack against Russia - an explosion on the Crimean bridge. Today, on October 10, 2022, Russia began shelling important infrastructure facilities throughout Ukraine with high-precision missiles. Theses:
You know that yesterday Alexander Ivanovich Bastrykin, Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia, reported to me on the first results of the investigation into the sabotage committed on the Crimean Bridge. Data from forensic and other examinations, as well as operational information, tell us that the explosion on October 8 is a terrorist act. It is aimed at destroying Russia's civilian, critical infrastructure. It is also obvious that the customers, organizers, and perpetrators of the terrorist act are the Ukrainian special services. The Kyiv regime has long used terrorist methods. It is simply impossible to leave crimes of this kind unanswered. This morning, at the suggestion of the Ministry of Defense and according to the plan of the Russian General Staff, we launched a massive strike with long-range precision weapons, air, sea and land based, on energy, military command and communications facilities in Ukraine. If attempts to carry out terrorist attacks on our territory continue, Russia's responses will be tough, and, in terms of their scale, they will correspond to the level of threats created towards the Russian Federation.

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