God Alone Will Get the Glory

2 years ago

circa 1990 https://www.scholarscorner.com/god-alone-will-get-the-glory/

"No Man will take credit for what I am about to do on the earth," says the Lord.

My thoughts on this word:

The days in which men build up ministries and make a name for themselves – a day in which showmanship creates a focus upon people in ministry rather than upon God… these days are over.

In days past, due to the immaturity of the Body, God would use individuals to do marvelous works and miracles of healings. And in the short season of their ministry, most would build themselves up and take the glory for God's work to themselves, thinking that because God has used them mightily in ministry, he therefore also blessed all their theology and all their labors – as if they could do no wrong.

The result of such pride was self-glorification and usually, it was accompanied by jealousy and needless competition with other ministries. It also led to showmanship and oft times a carnival atmoshpere.

But in the days to come – God will do these works, His works, through all the Body of Christ. It will be the layman on the street and the preacher, the housewife and the student. In other words, it will be done by all the Church, and since it will not be done by any one man or only by a few, there will be no reason, no need, and no way for any single person or ministry to take the credit for what God is doing. There will be no way for any single person to take the glory. Since the gifts of God will be distributed equally among the poor and those with 'no name,' it will be clear that it is God who is doing these works, and God alone who will get the Glory. It will not be any man who can take credit for it or build a ministry upon it or make a name for himself by the works of God.

I am the LORD; that is my name! I will not give my glory to another or my praise to idols.-Isaiah 42:8, NIV.

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