The Ex Factor Guide Book Review || Does Brad Browning's Ex Factor Really Work

1 year ago

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The Ex Factor Guide by Brad Browning attempts to show you how you can get back together with your ex-girlfriend after she has ended the relationship.
It claims a success rate of around 90% if you follow the instructions exactly, but lets you know there are always some instances in which you're just not going to be able to win your ex back.
Something that the book doesn't really delve into enough is what your reasons are for wanting to get back together and whether it's actually in your best interests to do so. It's quite common to miss the security and comfort of being in that relationship, and becoming an emotional wreck when you first lose it.
The natural response for many people is to do whatever it takes to get that back, even if the relationship had serious problems. Another issue for many men is that they feel they will never be able to get another girlfriend as good as their ex, so the fear of being alone makes them desperate to try and salvage the relationship.

So it's really important to spend some time and work out if getting back with your ex is what's going to be best for you in the future. Are the problems that led to the break up something that can be fixed if you move forward, or are they likely to present themselves again? If a third party was involved, are you going to be able to trust each other again? Do you bring out the best in each other and both want the same things in life? These are just a few of the many things you'll want to consider to determine if your ex is someone worth pursuing again.

This product is best suited to guys who have very recently split up with their girl friends. It focuses on making sure you don't do any of the things that you will feel emotionally compelled to do, but will only make things worse and drive your ex further away.
There are things you are taught to do that are aimed at making your ex feel jealous and wanting to see you again, and how to make this happen. But the focus in just on getting her into bed, after which everything will supposedly take care of itself. It doesn't show you how to address the problems you had in your relationship and lay the foundation for a solid future together.

This product can be useful for you if you are able to distinguish the good advice from the bad, and to an extent that will depend on your particular situation and why your ex left you.

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