Study Music - Focus & Concentration (40Hz Binaural Beats) Piano Ambient/LoFi

1 year ago

This track contains Gamma Waves Binaural Beats 40Hz (Right ear 200Hz, Left ear 240Hz). Gamma 40Hz is a learning frequency, it is found when one is actively studying or thinking. It helps to maintain alertness, coordinates simultaneous processing of information in different areas of the brain. Associated with high-level information processing. A good memory is associated with well-regulated & efficient 40 HZ activity.

Gamma Brainwaves
* 32 – 100 Hz
* Heightened perception, learning, problem-solving tasks, rich task & high-level information processing, cognitive processing
* Gamma waves are the fastest measurable brainwaves. They have been associated with ‘heightened perception’ or ‘peak mental state’. Gamma brainwaves have been observed to be much stronger and more regularly observed in long-term meditation practitioners including Buddhist Monks.

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