Do Horses Dislike Women? - CDC Says Horses Hurt More Woman Than Men - Why?

2 years ago

More Women are hurt by horses because .... if you say people will say you are bad
Link to CDC Page:

NOTE: I know there are more women in the horse world. Women will come here and use this a excuse to justify the excess injuries and death of women, just so they don't have to accept any responsibility. I don't think horses hate anyone. Most All Horse Problems are Really People Problems. This is sarcastic and hopefully thought provoking to get people to think. Maybe someone brainwashed little girl is out there, will this and maybe stop and think past the junk that she is being told, and might actually stop, learn and think and it may save her and a horse.

So the pink panty, I am Woman Posse can come here and trash and hate the message, the facts are clear, the reason for the facts and many and varied. People see what they want. :)

#HorsesDontLikeWomen #WomenKickedByHorses #thinklikeahorse

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