2 years ago

The UNITED STATES is a CORPORATION located in the district of columbia. The Act of 1871 in essence formed the corporation known as UNITED STATES.

This is not taught in schools for a reason.

The corporation known as UNITED STATES wants you to think the United States means the 50 states of America.

The UNITED STATES corporation in DC also wants you to think that the original Constitution is still in effect.

The original Constitution has been replaced with four other backruptcy corporation "constitutions" every 70 years because of internation bankruptcy law.

The UNITED STATES, a corporation, goes bankrupt every 70 years and this can be verified as history but is not well known.

Because of debt the Act of 1781 was passed by congress which gave international bankers control of the America.

It was an illegal act of congress.

People in America are considered as collateral for the debt that is owed by the corporation in DC known as UNITED STATES.

In review:

UNITED STATES means corporation.

Its doesn't mean the 50 states in America.

We The People are controlled by a corporation in DC and not the original Constitution.

This is why our freedoms are relative and change.

There is much more to know about the corporation in the distric of columbia called UNITED STATES.

To understand more about what this really means requires some research about real history.


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