Stream of Mana Day 55 (Echoes of Mana)

1 year ago

A nice and simple episode. We start off collecting missions, grabbing the bingo board, buying rewards, and using up lots of serums.

There is a new event, Gauntlet of Echoes. I was able to easily beat the first three stages, but the last one eludes me for now.

The story repeats itself with Twillwool Tower. I make it all the way to the final floor, but the boss eludes me. I reach his final form, but I don't have the endurance to take him out, and my party is wiped. Still, I was quite close to finishing the tower.

To finish things off, I do a bunch of summons. However, I wasn't all that lucky. Oh well. There's always next time. I still have plenty of summon tickets left.

Echoes of Mana calls back to the Mana games we all know and love:
Final Fantasy Adventure, Secret of Mana, Trials of Mana, Legend of Mana, Sword of Mana, Adventures of Mana, and the other Mana games that are too numerous to list.

Originally streamed October 08, 2022

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