WGT EP 84 Kristen Barton, Ft Worth Report, "Air cover for a racist."

2 years ago

WGT EP 84 Kristen Barton, Ft Worth Report, "Air cover for a racist." PLEASE: Share, Like, Comment (yes, you !).
Wise Guy Talks reveals the common-place bias that occurs in most media agencies across America. We focus on Kristen Barton of the Fort Worth Report and her reporting of Lesa Pamplin which is more akin to supportive propaganda.
How liberals dismiss their own racism.
Real-word consequences of propagandist reporting.
Pro-abortion Catholic, BLM Supporter, Defund Police, Supporter, Kristen Barton.
The death of objective truth.
Podcast Audio Only: https://bit.ly/3Taz7Iy or Search Spotify "WGT EP 84 Kristen Barton."
Avoid YouTube anti-FreeSpeech and watch the video at: https://bit.ly/3Evm3cP
Face Book Link: https://fb.watch/g3guB8czYu/

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