1 year ago

Nearly every time I do a video (up around 70) I have found out a whole lot of new information, some of which shows I did not have everything entirely correct, in previous videos. In every case, it’s all ways much worse, than I could have ever imagined. This is the greatest, most evil, and criminally treasonous event, in world history, and it will be talked about for a thousand years. Who would have believed it possible. to have fifty years of absolute Biden imposters. The sneaky bit, and what more or less proves imposters from 1973, is the searches for photo’s, only turn up a few black and whites and an odd photo of one or two blue eyed guys. But the clincher is that C-SPAN does not show a single video, of so called Biden, for ten years. This is when the youngest candidate, ever to enter the senate, turned up, and we cannot find a single solitary C-SPAN video? I have little doubt, this was to wait long enough, for people to forget the real “Plugs” Biden’s blue eyes and after 10 years people then accepted the Hazel eyed imposter as Biden. This is an unbelievable story but true. Check it out, over the years, on C-SPAN. A few hours research, will change any doubter’s mind.

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