GEFNFL Week 4 Recap 10/7/2022

1 year ago

Hey everybody welcome back to another recap of our GEFNFL game.

GEFNFL Week 4 10/7/2022 Recap

It was another great evening for some Friday night football. We started off with enough players to play 6 verse 6, eventually going up to 7 verse 7.

Red Team got the ball to start off the game, taking it down field and being stop on a forth down play before the cameras could get rolling. Blue Team answered that drive with a impressive combination throw from Jones to Tehan who then makes a backwards throw across the field to Nowak who ran it in for the first touchdown of the game.

Red drove back down the field and answered that with a rushing touchdown by Kappel. Teams were pretty evenly matched so there was a lot back and forth with Red Team getting another touchdown from Montes De Oca to Kappel. Not to long after that Blue answers with a touchdown pass from Tehan to Orozco.

Blue tacked on a couple more touchdowns before Red Team could relay and get back in the game with a touchdown pass from Weideman to Montes De Oca. Blue managed to pull off the game winning touchdown with a pass from Bartlett to Tehan

Final Score

Red - 5 TDs, 4 Ints, 2 Sacks

Blue - 6 TDs. 5 Ints, 2 Sacks

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