Symbolic vandalism of the Kerch straight bridge.

1 year ago

There are two senses of the use of the word Russian. One is the ethnic, and one is a world view.
The world view is Orthodox Christian; although it is held by Muslims, Buddhists, professed atheists, indigenous pagans, and me.
If you can understand that, you will understand Russia. You will understand me.
If you understand Russia, you will understand this post.


"Why can't we be defeated?
Because we are Russians... God is with us!
This is a famous photo.
After the collapse of the Georgian army, its retreating units regrouped and decided to return to Gori, but stumbled upon a Russian checkpoint.
The photo shows how a soldier of the Russian Armed Forces with a machine gun confronts the motorized infantry of the Georgian Armed Forces. The employees of the convoy threatened the submachine gunner to get off the road and let them pass, to which they heard in response "Go to... "Then the gunman tried to talk to the media, which were moving along with the convoy. They got the same answer. In the end, the column turned around and went back to where they came from.
What was this soldier thinking about? How did he feel at that moment, wasn't he scared? Did he not dream of having children and grandchildren and living a long and happy life?
Can you imagine a NATO soldier standing like this with a machine gun in front of an enemy column?
They value their lives too much. Then what's wrong with us? Why are we Russians different?
And why do foreigners think we are crazy and unpredictable people?

It's not about fearlessness or indifference to the most valuable thing we have-our own life. What was the point then?
Is there another nation that would so desperately love life and everything connected with it?
We live with an open soul, with a Hussar scale. We invite gypsies and bears to the wedding. We are the ones who are able to organize a holiday with the last money, generously feed all the guests and wake up in the morning without money in your pocket. We know how to live as if every day of our life was the last. And there will be no tomorrow. There is only now.
All our poems and songs are literally imbued with love for life, but only we can listen to them and cry with disgust.
Only our people have sayings: "To love the queen means to steal a million," "Who does not take risks, does not drink champagne." This is from the desire to drink this life to the bottom, to experience everything that can be achieved in it.
Then why do we, Russians, stand and look the enemy in the eye, able to part with this life so easily?
This is embedded in our genetic code and dates back to the time when the foot of the first aggressor set foot on our Russian soil. It has always been so. Anytime.
The only thing that has changed is the wheels and helmets, the spears have been replaced by machine guns. We had tanks, and we learned to fly. But the code remains the same. And he acts in us always when our house is about to be destroyed or invaded. And he will not let us rest if they offend the weak.
How does it work? The disturbing music that only we hear begins to sound inside us. This code sounds like a bell in us until the uninvited guests are expelled from our land.
And that's where the most important thing happens. There is a warrior in each of us. In each, from small to large. And this connects us with an invisible thread.
And foreigners can't understand it. You need to be Russian for this. To be born with them
When our land is in danger, or someone is offended anywhere on earth, be it Angola, Vietnam or Ossetia, our snipers become the most accurate, tankers are indomitable. Pilots turn into aces and remember incredible things, such as a corkscrew and a ram. Our scouts work wonders, the sailors become unsinkable, and the infantry resembles sturdy tin soldiers.
And every Russian, without exception, becomes a defender. Even the very old and young children. Remember the grandfather from Novorossiya, who fed the enemy with a jar of honey filled with explosives. There's a true story here. And we have such warriors - a whole country!
Russian Russians, therefore, who are going to attack the Russians and expect to see kneeling Russians on Russian soil, with bread and flowers, will be very disappointed. They will see a completely different picture. And I don't think they'll like it.
They are destined to see our grandfathers, fathers, husbands and brothers. They will be followed by mothers, wives and daughters. And behind them will be the heroes of Afghanistan and Chechnya, soldiers of the Second and First World Wars, participants of the Battle of Kulikovo and the Battle of the Ice.
Because we are Russians... God is with us! "


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