Battle For State Legislatures Is Heating Up!

1 year ago

Future Now's Aaron Kleinman joins Emma to discuss upcoming elections for state legislatures. For decades Democrats largely abandoned these races, preferring to focus on big-profile national elections. But state legislatures are incredibly important and progressives are beginning to fight back.

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So thanks so much for coming on. because yes as you say you're quite busy with the election coming up. and you guys have invested tens of millions of dollars in state legislature races this year. Tell me about how that came to be and do you know where some of your areas of focus are? You know I think the good news is a lot of people on our side of the political spectrum have woken up to the threat that is exposed by right-wing legislatures. One of the big catalysts obviously is the Dobbs decision. which really hammered home for a lot of people that who you send to your state capital is just so incredibly important. because you have you know you know a woman living you know on the border between Minnesota and North Dakota on one of those on one side of that border you know on one side of the Red River he has way more rights than on the other side. and in fact in Arizona which is you know one state I want to really go in a little more deeply Court there recently reinstituted territorial law. a law that predates the gunfight at the OK Corral that banned all abortions in the state. and so you're really seeing just how aggressive some of these right-wing State legislatures can be. and the other thing that's really woken people up to the threat is there's a Supreme Court case coming out that's gonna be argued over and decided over the next year called more V Harper. and the Supreme Court might actually hold that state legislature basically have the power to throw out election results. and it's just an absolutely terrifying thing for the future of representative democracy in America. and so I think we know I'm lucky to work in an organization that's really been able to wake people up to this threat. but we are going up against a right-wing machine that has really come to dominate State politics that has been built up over decades. and we're kind of just you know starting from you know going from a crawl to run you know it can be difficult.

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