“Rough Tough Love” - - Camero Jones - Original Music - Alternative Rock

1 year ago

Austin TX alternative music artist and songwriter new blues music video, Rough Tough Love. Recorded in my apartment bedroom on a old Dell 630 that came with Windows Vista (got to use what you have) with an interface that uses FireWire. This independent music video was produced in apartment kitchen with Adobe CC. Drums and percussion used is Smart Loops. Guitar, vocals, percussion and bass performed by Camero Jones. Music and video produced by Camero Jones.

This independent alternative music video was recorded with Sonar home studio software. It’s to bad CakeWalk went out of business because it was a good recording software program and affordable. I’m going to use it until the Dell 630 craps out. I have purchased a Focusrite two channel just in case for a ThinkPad. I will have to learn Adobe Audition for recording. I dislike having to learn another software program. It’s hard enough to learn Adobe Photoshop, after effects along with premiere pro for video editing. But you can’t stop change and preamps and software have changed so much and I have been using the same ancient software/hardware for over a decade. Ah screw it, in my opinion the world should have stopped at Windows XP. Showing my age.

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