💉🛑 Dr. Peter McCullough Talks About the Vaccines and the Video that Got Him Suspended From Twitter

1 year ago

On October 6, Twitter banned board-certified cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough from Twitter. A well-researched video about myocarditis in children was the final straw for the Twitter tyrants. VAERS side effects are massively underreported. Here's what they don't want you to see.

Current VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) Data – Represents Between 2 – 3% of Actual Numbers Reported


Also discussed is California's AB 2098 medical censorship bill that Newsom just signed, vaccinated women breastfeeding, side effects, cancer concerns, a pending lawsuit, and what we think is next.

Video in Question: https://rumble.com/v1n95rm--are-the-kids-ok-why-was-a-new-york-hospital-running-this-ad.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=19

Dr. Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH, FACP, FACC, FAHA, FCRSA, FCCP, FNKF, FNLA Professor of Medicine, Texas A & M College of Medicine Board Certified Internist and Cardiologist President Cardiorenal Society of America Editor-in-Chief, Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine Editor-in-Chief, Cardiorenal Medicine

Dr. McCullough's book "The Courage to Face Covid-19": https://amzn.to/3ynIY63


🟣 Dr. Zev Zelenko's New and Updated Detox Product For People Who Have Had the Vaccine – It’s Called Z-Dtox. Children's Gummies Are Now Available:

🟣 Covid Vaccine Detox Remedies, Protocols and Products

🟣 Alternative Remedies and Health Products For the Colds/Flu and Covid

🟣 Do You Want to Know If the Covid Vaccine Batch You Received Was Safe or Deadly? Check Out the "How Bad is My Batch" Website:

🟣 Order Ivermectin/Hydroxychloroquine and Budesonide Online:

🟣 CBD Oils and Detox Products Including Zeolite For Spike Protein Detox:

🟣 Alternative Health and Healing Website/Blog

🟣 Telegram Channel ~ Covid/Vaccine Information and World News Channel

🛑 Any and All Donations Are Very Much Appreciated: https://tinyurl.com/349t4rx5

FYI WARNING : The latest flu vaccine / booster scheduled for release in Autumn 2022 contains mRNA for producing three variants of spike protein + the flu vaccine combined into one shot. FDA and CDC have exempted these shots from ALL safety testing. The spike protein causes extensive damage to internal organs, and effects fetal development. Please exercise parental oversight and extreme caution.
Posted at www.HowBadIsMyBatch.com

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