Stories with Great Teachable Moments: A Conversation with Master, Ethical Storyteller - Scott Bowman

1 year ago

Stories with Great Teachable Moments and Morals: A Conversation with Master, Ethical Storyteller - Scott Bowman. I have been blessed to be influenced most by two great men in my life. One was my late father and the other I first met in early September 1980, at the age of 11. The latter to this day is the Greatest Moral Storyteller I have ever known in my lifetime.

Each week with my fellow cadets at Robert Land Academy, Canada’s only military school, we eagerly awaited to hear another moral tale told by Scott Bowman, the founder and first headmaster. To this day - 42 years later I treasure each of these sacred memories.

Ancient tribal societies had known the power of story. At night when the tribe gathered together around the communal fire, the elders would share stories that illuminated morals that would be of value to the youth. They helped them find their unique place within the tribe and the cosmos. Unfortunately, these skills of telling, listening, and providing the necessary guidance have been mostly forgotten or ignored in modern society. Scott Bowman in a small way has helped to revive this healing and bonding tradition.

Very few among us truly comprehend the power of story. At its core, at its most significant level of meaning, story is transpersonal. It lies beyond rationality. When told right, a story takes us to a higher level of understanding. It has the potential to illuminate our existence at more profound levels than any logical reasoning alone could ever achieve. Shared cultural stories are what bind one generation to the next and enable us to honor the past while looking towards a shared and empowered future. Proverbs 29 tells us that “where there is no vision, the people perish.”

I feel privileged to introduce you to this most influential storyteller through my conversation with Scott Bowman - the founder of Robert Land Academy and to his wonderful book that he spent 36 years collecting life changing stories for present and future generations – Motivational Morning Stories - that can be found on Amazon:

Enjoy and learn as much as I have.
Peter J. Merrick

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