One World in a New World with Marc J. Victor - Attorneys for Freedom; Founder, Live and Let Live

1 year ago

One World in a New World with Marc J. Victor - Attorneys for Freedom; Founder, Live and Let Live

Zen Benefiel, Author and Transformational Life Coach ( takes us on another apocalyptic (uncovering knowledge) journey in making sense common. Zen is a polymath, deep thinker and researcher and it comes out in his comfortable and open yet focused style.

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Closed Captions (CC) in multiple languages, though Google Translate may not be the best.

We speak often about new leadership in our world and wonder how to empower it. Marc J. Victor certainly counters Shakespeare's notion about lawyers in his efforts to fulfill that calling His firm reflects the same, with the new millennial management style that puts his employees and staff first in ways we don't expect, like health-challenges and moral codes. Our conversation takes some interesting twists and turns that you might not expect. Marc understands that we are part of nature, and a plant-based diet is extremely helpful for well-being.

What are the things we believe to be self-evident? The conversation turns to Marc's involvement with politics, and specifically the Libertarian Party, citing the focus on freedom and a non-aggression principle. However, he feels there is more and that peace takes much more effort to achieve; it's not just about freedom anymore.

Inquiring of his efforts to found and launch the Live and Let Live Global Peace Movement as a way to garner support for not only justice and freedoms; he cites moral principles are needed in the world today. Marc notes that principles are a primary foundation, which he references Steven Covey's Seven Habits of Highly Effective People that is rooted in principles.

Oh sure, so you're starting a global peace movement. Let us know when you take over the world. The latter is not an uncommon view, though Marc goes into detail about the meticulous planning and strategy for engaging such an endeavor. His description sounds a lot like Zen's efforts in making sense common. The theme of 'Live and Let Live' is hard to argue with, isn't it? It's like our basic need to love and be loved. Who could argue with that?

Asked about the process of coming out of Covid and the mishegoss its created, from a local perspective, Marc immediately states that we are a global society. Something happened that affected the world and now we are all in it together. He speaks of 'our community' being the world today. We have to look at a win-win for the world, doing things for the right reasons, moving from adversarial to collaborative relationships.

Victor speaks to balance and mentions the image behind Zen and the fact that that IS where we live... one world. Zen mentions a conversation he had with Dr. Edgar Mitchell, sixth man on the moon, about his epiphany of connectedness to a greater reality. We agree that in the 21st century we need to have an inclusive perspective, which Marc notes that the Live and Let Live Movement is post-racial and that we need to promote the individual right of choice, given that the choice is non-aggressive or harmful to others.

We break from the action a moment with a short interlude from Zen's past and the profound understanding that came from it. You'll have to listen for that at around the 34 minute mark. The follow up question to Marc is, 'How do you see the evolution of the recognition of the interconnectedness within humanity happening as we come out of Covid?'

His answer and the 'rest of the story' is certainly worth listening or watching and pondering how you see the evolution happening, your part in it, and what you're able to do to support it.

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Peace Radicals Podcast:
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