#172 Let's Talk About Addiction with Dr. Robb Kelly...

2 years ago

In this episode we get into addiction and how we believe where the addiction lives in people. Listen in to find out how trauma can be the gateway to a life of addiction trying to numb out the pain and suffering that a traumatic event can cause.

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Until next time, keep it 100%, stay true to yourself, because everything else is just noise!!!

About Dr. Robb Kelly:

Dr. Robb Kelly, PhD is a sought-after recovery expert who believes in treating the causes of addiction and not the symptoms. Dr. Kelly has appeared on such shows as The Doctors, Eye Opener, Good Morning Texas, and Kens5 morning news. A frequent contributor to radio and print interviews including The Jim Bohannon show, Miracles in Recovery, USA Today, and participated in McLean Hospital’s (Harvard Medical School) study on the stigma associated with mental illness. Dr. Kelly hosted Sober Celebs show on KLIF radio in Dallas, and currently hosts the Breaking Through Addiction podcast featuring special guest discussing a variety of mental health issues.

Dr. Kelly created Let’s Get Back to 98% Recovery DVDs used in prisons and recovery treatment centers throughout the US. He has lectured on addiction and trauma at high-profile universities, national conferences, treatment facilities, public schools, churches, business organizations and hospitals. Dr Kelly is currently the CEO of the Robb Kelly Recovery Group, an addiction and mental illness recovery coaching company he created based on extensive research and behaviour studies that he conducted over the past 20 years. Dr. Kelly shares his personal highs and lows as he struggled and overcame crippling alcoholism in the November 2019 release

Dr. Kelly's Website:


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#methaddiction #alchoholism #addiction

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