Cryptographic Oracle-Based Conditional Payments

1 year ago

For this meetup Lloyd Fournier will explain at a high level the ideas in the new paper Cryptographic Oracle-Based Conditional Payments and how it might change the way we think about Bitcoin “smart contracts”. The presentation is expected to take 30mins and there will be 30mins for questions.

Topics of discussion

- What is a DLC
- How does Cryptographic Oracle-Based Conditional Payments change things
- Is there any value to Ethereum style smart contracts other than extracting money from fools?
- What could Bitcoin “smart contracts” look like in the future?

Here’s Background reading/listening resources. None of these are necessary to consume or understand before attending.

Further Readings

The mailing list post :
Bitcoin Optech summary on BLS based DLC :
Cryptographic Oracle-Based Conditional Payments:
Orginal DLC paper :
Optech Twitter Space on the topic:

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