Psalm 94:1 KJVS O Lord God, to whom vengeance belongeth; O God, to whom vengeance..

1 year ago

Psalm 94:1 O Lord God, to whom vengeance belongeth; O God, to whom vengeance belongeth, shew thyself.

The day God "showed" himself i.e. revealed himself, was the said day, God's wrath and vengeance against sin was revealed. In the cross of Christ, we see God's wrath and vengeance against the sin of all men of all time. It was poured out on Jesus. But also on that day, through the mediatory work of that cross, we can come to know God i.e. God is revealed.

The day God is revealed, is also the day his wrath/vengeance against sin is seen. Each time Christ is revealed and the person embraces him, they/we are first embracing death i.e. death of the old man, the one destroyed on the cross by the wrath/vengeance of God. But because they/we have come to know him who is called "the ressurection" .... thou we died with him, we also live with him.

All who reject Jesus will face the wrath/vengeance of God against sin, but do so outside of Christ. We need look no further than the story of Moses to see what the result of this would be. Houses with the lamb's blood on the door, life, those not under the blood, death. Today, now, the choice is in our hands. Chose life! Chose Christ!

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