The Four Horseman Of The Apocalypse 1962 Will Ride

2 years ago

With the birth:

Of the Man of Sin, Son of Perdition, the 666 Man, Antichrist, the 1st Beast empowered by the Dragon born 4th August 1961 the 216th Day of the Year.

The Four Horseman of the Apocalypse will Ride. Revelation chapter 6 KJB.

4.8.1961 - Barack Hussein Obama

+ 48 Days (48)

+ 61 Days (61)

+ 2 Months 16 Days (216)

= The Four Horseman of the Apocalypse.

USA Release Washington DC Premiere 7th February 1962. (The Whitehouse)

2. War.
3. Pestilence.
4. Death.

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