In the 1967 Hong Kong riots, commercial radio announcer "Lin Bin" was killed

1 year ago

The leftists of the June 7th riot launched a series of more intense terrorist attacks! Silence (don’t listen) people! Organized, murdered, assassinated, bombed all over Hong Kong (some are true and some are false), and the leftist newspapers praised it, showing murder The bomber is a (national hero)! Commercial radio announcer Lin Bin criticized the leftist riots on the radio and was listed as a murder target. Lin Bin and his cousin Lin Guanghai were on August 24 of the same year on the road opposite Jia Ming Court, Wottalo Road Hill, Ho Man Tin, Kowloon He was ambushed on the road, and his car was set on fire. The two were seriously injured. Lin Bin died of his injuries the next day. Later, Lin Bin and Tangdi were buried in the Catholic Cemetery in Happy Valley. The police launched an operation to arrest the suspect. Bomb disposal experts are exhausted, risking their lives to carry out blasting work.

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