Our New Chinese Influencer Accounts

2 years ago

Can my team and I 'git gud' at becoming influencers in China? Our team grew one of our own influencer accounts to 20K followers so far. I'm also launching new Chinese-language video content as a influencer "泰特能说".

In this video I share my thoughts as well as two clips from our influencer accounts.

00:15 My thoughts
03:38 Chinese clip from me (泰特能说)
06:20 Chinese clip from Sissi (77看世界)

- Tait on Bilibili (used to be Nanjing Marketing Group's Bilibili account) - https://space.bilibili.com/601279170
- Tait on Douyin - https://www.douyin.com/user/MS4wLjABAAAAUPEM6qw-m21wJilxYAKvQN4t_F52sWm1LFdPM8h9cJAaJDc_0cFocC-HCVV_DkFW
- Sissi on Xiaohongshu - https://www.xiaohongshu.com/user/profile/5d9ec8f20000000001001546
- Sissi on Douyin - https://www.douyin.com/user/MS4wLjABAAAAjQfogv90JNE7tS2XbMCmnZkE-c6Q1rHYL5r6ZGV7uBGp9xntSGw6tWVtqzhnrTeh

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