2 years ago

To the good people of this world, to those who care about others,
I didn’t want to scare you like this.
But, the threat of nuclear annihilation has forced my hand.
This is NOT a hoax.
And I must warn you of a danger you are unaware of.
And give you time to prepare.
But what I have to tell you is of the utmost importance to your future.
Whether you believe me or not, it’s your choice.
But, it is your responsibility to warn your family and friends of this danger.
You could think I’m a crank or even crazy.
But whatever you think of me you must tell your loved ones of the danger.
Your loved ones must decide for themselves, whether to believe this warning or not.
All I’ll take is 5 minutes of their valuable time.
The danger is: If you or a loved one is in the nuclear blast’s zone of destruction, where all are vaporized in a split second. They will lose their life AND their soul.
Then there are those, who are outside the vapourisation zone and suffer horrific injuries.
A person could killed by horrendous burns, bone shattering shockwaves, or fall prey to radiation sickness; to linger in agony for days, or weeks, or months.
They are the lucky ones, for they will lose their life but not their soul.
So, what does it mean to lose your soul?
When a person dies they go through a dying process.
This has been well documented by many studies into near death experiences.
A person enters the first stage just after their last breath.
This stage can be short and most people are unaware it exists and miss it.
It’s in this stage that a soul can stay and choose Nirvana.
However, nearly everyone moves to the next stage and are attracted to the light.
For those who are racked with hated hide from the light in the smoke.
The smoke leads to hell.
They continue the cycle of birth and death.
This has been documented.
People who have had near death experiences report this.
But, in a nuclear vaporisation, the brain is destroyed in an instant.
The person doesn’t complete the dying process.
Nirvana is forced upon the soul.
Their soul is annihilated.
Whether you believe as a Christian, Jew, Moslem, Hindu, Buddhist or atheist.
Whatever your religious beliefs are, your soul’s fate is the same, annihilation.
You must tell your loved ones. There are no second chances.
You must protect yourselves.
The danger of a nuclear attack is growing.
You must have a safe place to go, into the countryside.
You won’t be warned. You are not a fortunate one.
The religious leaders of all faiths are responsible to protect your soul.
Petition your religious leaders and voice your concern and cause for anxiety.
Tell your religious leaders to lobby the politicians.
Bring pressure to bear on all political leaders.
Your soul is more important than any nation state.
Nuclear weapons must be eliminated.

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