Kalpesh Patel $4 billion HyperCommunity Scam Name & Shame VIPs HyperFund, HyperVerse & HyperNation

2 years ago

Help me name and shame these people. Do you recognise these people in this compilation? 30 HyperCommunity videos recorded since the start of the VIP training. - https://youtu.be/CXqahyRKLSY

You can anonymously share the time stamp and the name via my website https://www.dehek.com/contact or simply post name and time stamp (ie. 00:43:11) in the comments and I will update the list.


If you can give me any leads, images or videos, helping me track down any information about these people please submit it via DANNY : DE HEK website’s Contact https://www.dehek.com/contact/ page (anonymously) Join Telegram PONZI SCHEME BUSTER https://t.me/ponzischemebuster Like/Follow the DANNY : DE HEK Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/dehekdanny


Introduction 00:00:00
00:07:50 Keith Williams
00:07:55 David Bailey
00:08:00 John Bunn
00:08:05 Marie Washington
00:08:15 Caroline Chenier
00:08:20 Anthony Ford
00:08:25 Cynthia Henderson
00:08:30 Bobby Gilmore
00:08:35 Anthony Ford
00:08:40 Kalpesh Patel
00:08:45 Ferda Solak
00:08:50 Jude Davis
00:08:55 Rene Solem
00:09:00 Sharon James
00:09:05 Hazel Harry
00:09:10 Iwona Kaczmar
00:09:15 Phil Smith
00:09:20 Carrie Williams
00:09:25 Jessika Jones
00:09:30 Maggie Jean
00:09:35 Tyrone Ellison
00:09:40 Brent Harding
00:09:45 Bishop Ernest
00:09:50 Mario Halkyer
00:09:55 Bobbie Gilmore
00:10:00 Andrew Martin
00:10:05 Keion Woodley
00:10:10 Edith King
00:10:15 Bettie Arbaiza
00:10:20 Annie Johnson
00:10:25 L’Tanya Wilkers
00:10:30 Donna Stein
00:10:35 Desiree Parker
00:10:40 Kim Parson
00:10:45 Renee Bowers
00:10:50 Nicole Mohan
00:10:55 Marcia Renne
00:11:00 Maggie Yang
00:11:05 Robin Kasten
00:11:10 Pandu Dillard
00:11:15 Ken Hodges
00:13:00 Vernon Joseph
00:13:05 William Tregell
00:13:10 Harry Patterson
00:13:15 Carmelle Neal
00:13:20 Tammy Lee
00:13:15 Leah Rosie
00:13:20 Vivian Lott
00:14:00 Bertie Mckie
00:14:15 Flora Watty
00:16:00 Komal Malhotra
00:17:50 Uriah Laguins
00:17:55 Bohat Gurung
00:18:00 Suresh Patel
00:18:30 Robert Mabrey
00:18:35 Sandra Moore
00:18:40 Julia Thornbrough
00:18:50 Johan Eksmyr
00:18:55 Dean Coke
00:18:55 Paul Hken
00:19:00 Uriah Laguins
00:19:05 Noma Mupfeka
00:19:10 Henry Prosper
00:19:15 Juliet Adiele
00:19:20 James Price
00:19:25 Ros Djoukang
00:20:00 Veta James
00:20:10 Mary Lindsay
00:22:15 Sharon Givens
00:22:20 Roxy Zubrycki
00:22:25 Mark Hughes
00:22:30 Henson Williams
00:22:40 Bertie Mckie
00:22:45 Sis Velma
00:23:00 Alfreda Strong
00:23:10 Joanna Puddle
00:23:15 Heather Mitchell
00:23:20 Cheryce Bennett
00:23:25 Olivia Pope
00:23:30 Arlene Russel
00:23:35 Clayton Ford
00:23:00 Valerie A Campbell
00:24:00 Jerome Sylvan
00:24:15 Joe Sanders
00:24:20 Beverley Spencer
00:24:25 Andre Jackson
00:24:30 Sharon Floyd
00:25:00 Dorrell Stone
00:25:05 Ron Thomas
00:25:10 Helen Gorgels
00:26:00 Linder Bolton
00:26:10 Desiree Parker
00:26:15 Fay Jarrett
00:26:20 Joanna Terra
00:26:25 Elizabeth Lawrence
00:26:30 Landus Burroughs
00:26:35 Wayne Willson
00:26:40 Ronald Basile
00:26:45 Andy Cummings
00:26:50 Isabel Dayawon Binumnga
00:27:00 Cecelia Aiken
00:27:05 Errol Hall
00:27:10 Sandra Williams
00:27:15 Lorraine Bruce
00:30:00 Lain Rush
00:31:00 Mark Kirkwood
00:31:15 Mary Zak
00:31:30 David Hurst
00:31:45 Sheila Vic
00:31:50 Linda Randall
00:32:00 Jerry Sumral
00:32:15 Lisani Motsu
00:38:00 Del Casarez
00:38:10 Nicole Mohan
00:38:20 Thomas Jester
00:38:25 Lofa Kaitamaki
00:38:30 Emma Ewuzie
00:38:35 Alice Ger
00:38:40 Frederick White
00:38:45 Donna Stein
00:38:50 Jerry Sumral
00:38:55 Michael Willius
00:39:00 Joan Hastings
00:39:05 Jean Nord
00:39:10 Henry Bell
00:39:15 Keith Walden
00:39:20 Clevie Stewart
00:39:25 Margena Phillip
00:39:30 Iain Rush
00:39:35 Limpho Maile
00:39:40 Deb Williams
00:39:45 Thabo Maredi
00:39:50 Filomena Day
00:39:55 Tami Jackson
00:40:00 Kevin Felix
00:42:00 Pauline Coma
00:42:45 Philo Brown
00:43:15 Tasauwar Alit
00:44:40 Eslyn Samuel
00:44:45 Val Waever
00:44:50 Zenobia Lewis
00:44:55 Julius Thomas
00:45:00 Lyle Fleming
00:45:05 James Shaw
00:45:10 Elridge le Roux
00:45:15 Apeh Joseph
00:45:20 Derek Wilson
00:45:25 Joshua Simwawa
00:45:30 Dee Mitchell
00:45:35 Lauren Chase
00:45:40 Susan Goldsmith
00:45:45 Obdulia Ortiz
00:45:50 Arlene Dieran
00:45:55 Kristina Blanc
00:46:00 Kristen Reupke
00:46:05 Alice Ger
00:46:10 Robbie Mac
00:46:15 Johnson Harris
00:54:00 Dizzy Tailor
00:49:08 Jude Davis
00:55:00 Mick Mulcahy
01:10:00 Tracy Cassivi

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