Healing Our Hearts After the COVID Isolation with World-Renowned Psychiatrist Peter Breggin MD

1 year ago

Renowned Physician Exposes the Organized Individuals and Groups Behind COVID-19 Coercion and Scientific Fraud on a Global Scale.

Since January 2020, authors Peter R Breggin MD and Ginger Ross Breggin worked fulltime for 18 months examining the real science surrounding COVID-19 and criticizing the fraudulent science used to justify the suppression of personal and political liberty throughout the world. Their extensive research is a wakeup call like no other to rescue freedom around the world.

COVID-19 and the Global Predators documents the shocking corruption behind the pandemic catastrophe and shatters the perception that it was an unintended mishap. The Breggins detail the motivations, conflicts of interest and deceitful collaborations of the major players behind draconian pandemic policies leading to what they describe as the suppression of our personal freedoms. They disclose for the first time the 2015-2016 master plan created by Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab working with leading health officials in the U.S., the U.N., and WHO as well as billionaires, international corporations, and Chinese Communist officials. They unearth a global governance bent on predation.

The Breggins expose Anthony Fauci’s role in the pandemic, including his funding of gain-of-function research creating SARS-CoV pathogens in collaboration with China. They expose the currently reduced standards for drug and vaccine approval by the FDA. They highlight the horrifying reality that the global predators continue to kill millions by suppressing inexpensive, effective and safe treatments for COVID-19, such as hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin in order to promote the vaccines, increase their wealth, and gain power of the Western democracies. The government’s rampant fear mongering and totalitarianism disguised as public health policies, the authors document, are fueling the demise of our health, our democracy, and our freedom.

Dr. Breggin says: “They want to break our hearts—to demoralize and to terrorize us with propaganda aimed at convincing us that COVID-19 is a threat to us personally and to civilization itself. To do this, they literally put an artificial pandemic spike protein onto a harmless bat virus to make SARS-CoV-2. Then they encouraged the Chinese Communists, with the help of the World Health Organization (WHO), to spread it to an unsuspecting world.

Just as it helps adults to free themselves of childhood trauma and abuse by understanding it, we must free ourselves by understanding who is now traumatizing and abusing us so badly that it reactivates our childhood feelings of helplessness.

The global predators include many billionaires along with Big Tech and Big Pharma, working with innumerable other organizations masquerading as capitalistic or progressive when they are simply predatory. They make deals with the United Nations (UN) and (WHO) and ultimately gain wealth, power and inspiration from the Chinese Communist Party. As the threat of COVID-19 recedes, others will arise, all aimed at terrorizing us in the process of destroying freedom in the world.

In confronting oppression COVID-19 polices, we must call upon our deepest spiritual resources—including God and love of our fellow human beings. Instead of allowing ourselves to feel and act helpless and overwhelmed, we must see this as the opportunity of our lifetimes to stand up for individual and personal freedom. We must join with others to re-found America and to re-inspire the world with the truth that we human beings are treasures intended to live by reason and love while choosing how we want to live.”

“No other book than COVID-19 and the Global Predators so comprehensively covers the details of COVID-19 criminal conduct as well as its origins in a network of global predators seeking wealth and power at the expense of human freedom and prosperity, under cover of false public health policies.”
~Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., author of The Real Anthony Fauci

The book has separate stirring Introductions by three of the world’s leading COVID-19 physicians: Peter McCullough MD, MPH; Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko MD; and Elizabeth Lee Vliet MD. The book has strong endorsements from Robert F Kennedy, Jr. (above) and Paul Alexander PhD, former consultant to the White House Coronavirus Task Force and the World Health Organization (WHO), who says its “depth and reach is beyond reproach . . . the most detailed, scientific and rational analysis to date . . . stunningly comprehensive and broad.”

COVID-19 and the Global Predators concludes with hopeful and inspiring messages, a call to courage, and examples and guidance about how we can retake our freedom worldwide personally and politically. The Breggins conclude, “We must revive our trust in each other. We must strengthen our belief in loving one another and in supporting each other’s liberty.”

Tune in to see and hear a rallying cry for an end to the oppressive climate of fear and a return to love, liberty and truth, as we discuss the new book from COVID-19 experts and lifelong reformers Peter Breggin MD and Ginger Ross Breggin. Peter R. Breggin MD and Ginger Ross Breggin’s book, COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey, published in November 2021. It is available on Amazon and other online bookstores worldwide and can be purchased directly from them at a discount, only in the United States at www.WeAreThePrey.com.


Peter R. Breggin MD is a lifelong reformer, called “The Conscience of Psychiatry” for his criticism of biological psychiatry and his advocacy for effective, empathic, and ethical forms of psychological, educational, and social approaches to emotional and psychological distress. He graduated from Harvard College with Honors and his psychiatric training included a Teaching Fellowship at Harvard Medical School. He then became a Full
Time Consultant in at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). Since then, he has taught at several universities, including Johns Hopkins, George Mason, the University of Maryland, as well as the Washington School of Psychiatry.

He has been a medical expert in over 100 trials, many related to scientific issues in this book, and is now an expert in COVID-19 cases. He has authored 70 scientific articles, plus many medical books and bestsellers, including Talking Back to Prozac with his wife Ginger Breggin.


Ginger Ross Breggin is also a lifelong reformer. She has been an editor of newspapers and magazines, and has a background in publishing and public relations. She has been Dr. Breggin’s partner in all his reform work since they married in 1984. She has coauthored or coedited four of his 20+ books, including Talking Back to Prozac which sold almost one million copies, and has helped develop and edit several others. In 2009, she edited and published The Conscience of Psychiatry: The Reform Work of Peter R. Breggin, MD, based on testimonials and media reports about her husband’s first 54 years (1954-2009) of efforts to improve his profession and to advocate for the rights of patients. Ginger manages most of their outreach and keeps in touch with innumerable individual leaders and groups involved in the treatment of COVID-19 and the movement to reinspire and to rescue freedom throughout the world.

Ginger Ross Breggin has a background in journalism, book editing, bookmaking, and book publishing. Since 1984, she has partnered with Peter as a coauthor, writer, editor, researcher, organization administrator, advisor, and communicator with the outside world. When hints of a possible new pandemic reached the U.S. in January 2020, Ginger redirected her attention to researching what would be called SARS – CoV-2 . She soon recognized the significance of an obscure reference to a paper published in 2015 in Nature Medicine. It was titled, “A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence.” It documented that the U.S. had been collaborating with Chinese researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in gain-of-function research—making lethal viruses very similar to SARS-CoV-2. With her husband, they set aside their normal lives and began work on the pandemic, digging deep into the tragedy of the world’s response to COVID-19. Along with her husband Peter, Ginger is a member of several COVID-19 medical and science groups, including the international Doctors for Covid Ethics (D4CE) and the U.S.-based C19 Group which focuses upon early treatments for COVID-19, ongoing research,
and the effects of government policies.

Ginger is the coauthor of several books with Peter, including their bestseller Talking Back to Prozac (1994) and The War Against Children of Color: Psychiatry Targets Inner City Youth (1998). She is a coeditor of Dimensions of Empathic Therapy. Ginger designed and published Peter’s book, Wow, I’m an American: How to Live Like Our Nation’s Heroic Founders. She edited and published The Conscience of Psychiatry:
The Reform Work of Peter R. Breggin, MD. She has researched, edited, and coauthored many blogs with him on the issues in Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey. Ginger inspired and cofounded with her husband the peer-reviewed scientific journal Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry, which she managed for many years. As a freshman undergraduate at American University, she was given an annual honors award for the best social sciences paper for all levels of the university. She is also an award-winning photographer.

From 1988-2002, she was the Executive Director of Peter’s original nonprofit reform center, the International Center for the Study of Psychiatry and Psychology (ICSPP). In 2010, she cofounded a new reform nonprofit organization with her husband called The Center for the Study of Empathic Therapy, for which she is the executive director. She also works with her husband on his websites and produces his videos and his radio/TV show, The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour.


Website: www.breggin.com; www.WeAreThePrey.com

The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour: brighteon.tv and RokuVideos: brighteon.com

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