FIREFOXNEWS ONLINE™ Presents: The Pres. Donald J. Trump Rally

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FIREFOXNEWS ONLINE™ Presents the Pres. Donald J. Trump Rally as it is a major news event and FIREFOXNEWS ONLINE™ and its owner (George Sinzer) has a responsibility to present the trump rally in its entirety whenever possible.

The use of media materials is protected by the fair use clause of the US copyright act of 1976 which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of commentary, criticism, education and news reporting.

FIREFOXNEWS ONLINE™ is a production of FIREFOXNEWS ONLINE™ Productions, any rebroadcast and/or transcript either in whole or in part without the express written permission of FIREFOXNEWS ONLINE™ Productions and it's owner George Sinzer is expressly forbidden.

FIREFOXNEWS ONLINE™ Productions and its news division (both one and the same) adhere to the criteria of the fair use clause 100% across-the-board.

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