Crimea bridge, Kanye, Starbucks, vaxx deaths, DE voting, BLM, fake news, Telegram

1 year ago

Crimea to Russia bridge explosion.
Kanye talks about white lives matter, black abortions, planned parenthood.
Starbucks shutting down many west coast locations due to crime and riots.
Democrat congressman loses 17 y.o. daughter and doesn't understand what happened....she was fully vaxxed!
Delaware courts rule that mail-in voting and same day registration are against their states constitution.
Sharon Osborne wants her 900K donation back from BLM lmfao!
Axios investigation uncovers 51 fake news sites created to push propaganda.
Telegram videos: cancer related, health, Biden Gaffes, 5g and microwaves.

1.5 hour video on cancer cures and Dr's that lost their license over it:

They keep the truth from us! There are cures for cancer!

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