Enjoy the Journey by Living in the Now

1 year ago

Enjoy the journey not the destination
This famous quote reminds us to focus on what is happening right now. In this NOW moment. To treasure our current situation no matter how difficult or pleasant it may be. To take note of what we’re learning, teaching, projecting, creating, feeling…everything deserves acknowledgment.
Living in the NOW is so important NOW…today… while we are going through the global changes and uncertainties. There is frustration and constantly asking when we are going to get there but nobody knows where we are going. People just want to get somewhere better… to live in peace and harmony but to get somewhere better we have to focus on the now, on our feelings and how we affect our environment.
So, let's enjoy the journey and be the best we can be. We can help others but can’t force our opinions and tell them how to live. We just need to speak and live our truth from the heart.
We can’t heal others unless they are ready to heal. We can’t teach others unless they are ready to learn…so let’s enjoy this life journey by being loving and compassionate and before we know it …we will arrive at our destination.

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