Fireproofing Your Life – Part 4 – Kingdom Wealth - James Trivette – 10.6.2022

1 year ago

Are you ready for the turmoil and confusion of life these days? Are you prepared for difficult times with a strong faith and trust in God? Get prepared to overcome and prosper through whatever comes your way by understanding God’s plan and purpose for these difficult times. This is part 4 of a discussion about how to make your life “Fireproof”. This means that by moving your life into the Kingdom of God, you can preserve what is important to you even through the most difficult times in life. The key scripture is “When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched, Nor will the flame burn you” (Isaiah 43:2). Part 4 focuses on Sacrificing for Kingdom Wealth that is gaining by your worldly sacrifice. For better viewing choose 720p HD in the gear icon above on the Video Viewer.

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