Why Iranians In America Are Struggling

2 years ago

Being an Iranian immigrant in the US is extremely difficult. A listener calls in to tell his story of watching the protests in the States but not being able to go home because getting back into America would be nearly impossible. He also discusses the restrictions he faces in this country.

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First, what's going on in Iran. And it's kind of crazy that the Western media coverage of it is completely different. New York Times just posted this thing about everything is about like the economy and completely brush off the feminist part of it. insane. yeah. that is crazy. I mean it was a woman getting killed by the morality police that set it up. You'd think they want to emphasize that and not you know Iran deal. I mean everything is about Iran right now. It's insane. And then the other thing that I wanted to talk about is the other side of immigration in the United States that I think usually people don't cover. And because it can be thought of as the elite part of immigration. People with education. and I'm going through a similar situation right now. And I think it is good to sometimes discuss it. Well by all means. Yeah, so I'm from Iran. And we have a very specific category of Visa. Usually, the processing time is much longer. Between like four to six months for a J1 H-1B. Sometimes it can be long. and so I've been in the United States for 15 years. I haven't been back and haven't seen my parents for a long time. I haven't seen my older sister in 15 years. Just because if I go back, coming back to the United States is almost impossible.

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