The Bible- More Trustworthy Than Any Other Book

1 year ago

I see so many videos of people teaching people that the Bible is "ancient outdated man-made book", that it isn't written by God and that we should not trust it. Same people will say that we should listen to, follow, and believe in science books which are actually 100% man made and frequently change.

This is false doctrine by false teachers. Essentially, these are lies being spread by liars.

Now I understand that not all people that say something not 100% biblically accurate are liars, but people that consistently spread false information about the Bible are in fact liars. These people tend to have a significant following of people that believe in their false teachings which means that a significant number of people are being led astray.

I encourage you to study the Bible for yourself and do not to take the words of any man as truth.

If you would like a paper Bible sent to you, please contact me by email or on my website or Facebook page.

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