Follow the script...

1 year ago

Remember how all the leaders worldwide seem to follow the same script during Covid? The whole world worked together during `covid` . From Russia to Chile the populations were forced into lockdown , into quarantine and coerced and threatened that they had to get the `covid` injection. They all read from the same script. Do you think this `war` is also following a script? Russia could have won this `war` in days, but it`s being dragged out, why? Because the powers that run the world need to dismantle and degrade and inflict misery on the populations from east to west. Biden is playing his role, and Putin is playing his. The same way they co-ordinated everything during the `pandemic` , they`re working together now. Who are the losers? We are; the same way we were the losers during the `pandemic`. The media plays a major role again, the same way it played a huge role during the `pandemic`, talking up the fear, making people so afraid that they dared not shake hands or even socialise with their friends! Now the media blames Russia for everything, the politicians blame Russia and Russia plays along. Remember they all worked together during `covid` and they are all working together now. For what purpose? To bring the whole world into a digital society, digital currency and digital ID. It`s happening in China, Russia and slowly coming to the USA and EU. The `war` is just a distraction.

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