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Episode 105 - Los Angeles County, CA

2 years ago

Donald Trump manages to trend L.A. County 5 points to the right despite a monumental helping of fraudulent votes in favor of Joe Biden, who manages to eclipse 3 million votes for the first time in the history of America's largest county.


  • 0/2000
  • no way 1M more people voted 2020

  • LA County is a model on how to steal elections. That is why voters are leaving in droves.

  • Check how many former residents are receiving mail in ballots at their new out of state addresses. It’s happening. So grateful to see CA finally being looked at. Something is very wrong here and has been for some time. They also removed the ability of voters to see their historical voting data from the state site which would allow a voter to see who their vote actually counted for. This showed all years of voting history, decades. Why did they remove that ability in 2020? To confirm you vote, you have to go to your county office and request a copy of your ballot now.

  • L.A. county is the 2nd largest county behind San Bernardino county in area. It should have been stated as the largest in terms of population.

  • He forgot to mention unmanned, unsecured, ballot boxes located in parks or any place they could find without security cameras. So CA…. Ballot harvesting, dirty voter rolls, noncitizens voting, no voter ID, large precincts, jungle primaries, to many party affiliations, absentee voting AND early voting (1 month before voting day)!!! That is California! And we don’t know who won for weeks after Election Day.

  • It struck me that you don't give a whole lot of time to voter registration and whether the rolls are clean/dirty, and that's ok, even though it is an important part of election integrity. It's not necessarily your gig, but if you will indulge me on a couple questions: 1. are registration #s you give identifying total new regs or the trend in regs left/right? 2. do reg rates match population growth/decline? I imagine you factor this into whether it is clean or not. 3. how do voter registration gains compare with pop growth/decline and birth/death rates? That would be a great point of research for someone interested in dirty voter rolls. Do you know of anyone researching this specifically?

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  • Perhaps LA voted Reagan because he was our Governor. I believe they are hoping Newsom will bring the Reagan affect to CA again.

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