Disney Hellraiser, Pfizer Man, Jabbed kids Superheroes! Omicron redux, Neymar Jr: Spirit of Brazil

1 year ago

October 7th is a day of sinister Disney releases. Their streaming subsidiary Hulu released Hellraiser; and their Marvel imprint started releasing indoctrination comic series Pfizer Man, where kids that accept the Jab can be superheroes just like the Avengers!

Romans 1 and Galatians 5 and the astounding ignorance of a witch going after christians on TikTok, that will leave you speechless. I was always amazed to try and imagine what type of person would rather fight against Jesus in the End Times and go to Hell than gain eternal life... found an example of one right here.

In December I released a video about some strange goings on in Antarctica with Klaus Schwab and the gang, where they went to visit the Corona Islands, specifically the one called Omicron, as well as my tv going nuts and only showing me Omicron videos when I was searching for superheroes.

I play the video game Mech Arena, and they put out a new release featuring a new glant mech pilot "Neymar Jr sense, how? Satanic predictive programming. All the puzzle pieces are starting to fall into place.

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