Chess is not merely intellectual

2 years ago

Imagine running around telling children that they shouldn't be playing first person shooters because they're melting their brains imagine running around telling children not to play a simulation that exists within multiple dimensions where they can actively critically think problem solve and then telling them that instead of playing these games they need to be playing a f****** one-dimensional board game that's turn based which one do you think is going to even be harder to process the game where there's four guys in front of you with four different guns trying to kill you from four different angles and you have to react to each of them if you don't want to f****** literally die over the game where you move one piece at a time and you can take as much time in between and you can just think about the last time that you got into this situation to prevail how is the game played on one dimension even nearly remotely as challenging as one played within multiple it doesn't make sense it just doesn't chess is a complete idiots game you can literally have the enemy down to two pieces on the board the king and the pawn and somehow you having more than have your pieces left you can draw a stalemate in this video you're going to see me legitimately put a chest AI in that same exact situation I literally have like both of my Bishops one Rook both of my nights and some ponds left and somehow I managed you come to six stalemates while the opposition has literally one piece on the board

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