What is the Straw Man Fallacy? - and how to handle it

2 years ago

A Straw man argument is the term given when someone takes something you say and twists it, distorts it and phrases it back exaggerating your original point completely out of context. It is a form of gaslighting and can be a powerful tactic to misrepresent and derail any conversation as you are now focusing on what they claim you said rather than what you actually said. It can also be quite affective at making someone look crazy as people tend to get defensive when being dramatically misrepresented.

In this video Darren Magee outlines some common 'straw manning' tactics and phrases, and looks at some of the kinds of people who use this tactic and their different reasons. Also looking at different examples of straw man arguments, and ways to handle these kinds of conversations.

Other videos you might find interesting:

Gaslighting https://youtu.be/-jtuYJLfAHw

Recognising Gaslighting Tactics, stages and Phrases

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#strawman #sowhatyou'resayingis #darrenmagee

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