How to Leverage Relationships and Systems To Grow Your Real Estate Business With Eli Goodman

2 years ago

Eli Goodman has created a real estate investing business in the Chicago market that has been a great success. He also manages a Facebook group for local investors that has over 7500 members inside of it. They host a monthly meetup that is definitely worth checking out.

Eli's journey is unique, in this interview we will discuss how he went from being a nightclub promoter, to a kickboxing trainer to real estate investor.

A lot of the focus of this episode is on building systems that do the work for you and tracking your activities and having goals based on your activities not your results. Once you have results you scale the activities to the results in order to achieve the goal you want to.

A lot of great nuggets in here about networking and finding a mentor as well. Eli says to never take a photo with a celebrity. Find out why by listening to the show!

Don't Forget To Reach Out To Eli:

🖥️Website: www.
📱Phone: (773) 345-7759
🎗️Facebook Group:


"The right people will make themselves available to you if you put yourself out there"

"Most of the time I don’t necessarily know what I am doing, but I know who to call to solve the problem"

"Everything that is taught works. Google PPC, Facebook ads, SEO, etc. The person that takes the most actions get the most results"

"There are 4 things that everybody wants. Everybody wants to make more money, everybody wants to be more healthy, everybody wants better relationships and everybody wants to serve a higher purpose."

"If I was a REALTOR I would not focus on real estate marketing strategies. I would do wholesale marketing strategies and give the seller more options"

"You'll overestimate what you can do in a short amount of time but you will underestimate what you can do over a long period of time "


• You can get started at this and not know anything at all. When Eli got started he couldn't tell you the difference between a bungalow, a Victorian, and a ranch
• Sometimes when you have a goal you have this laser focus. Once you get it you kind of achieve the goal and you lose that drive. So you have to have the next goal in mind.
• There is no secret sauce to this business. 99% of what I am doing is just copy paste of what everybody else is doing. There is no secret, you just have to do it.
• Focus on the small goals because those produce results. Don't forget about the big goals because the next goal is important to keep you driven.
• Don't take a picture with a celebrity. If you take a picture with a celebrity you become their fan. You want to become their friend instead. You accomplish that by providing value.
• Try to engage people you want to connect with in engaging conversation, not necessarily business. Try to figure out what they like and engage in those conversations outside of business.
• Drip campaigns are crucial. If you have a lot of leads coming in you need systems in place so you can keep following up with people that are further from selling.
• Track your numbers. If you need to get 100 leads to get 1 deal per month. So you scale your lead flow to your results.
• Focus on activities you can control instead of the results.
• If you keep focusing on what activities you need to do every day and you know your numbers it is not super difficult to project future income.

Time Stamps

0:00 - Introduction
1:05 - Hardest transaction
5:30 - Expectations vs reality real estate investing
9:20 - Thoughts, mindsets and emotions. Spending money and not making money.
10:50 - How committed were you from the beginning
13:20 - The ability to persist and take risks on yourself is such a cool thing.
14:20 - 99% everybody else is doing. Most of it is copy paste that is the secret.
18:15 - Would you say as you progress your problems get more challenging.
20:00 - What kind of nuggets or lessons would apply to anybody?
21:00 - Who Not How to solve problems
22:45 - What can someone do to prepare when they meet a celebrity?
24:45 - Drip campaign. Provide value and don’t let people forget about you
26:45 - Most people start as an agent. Why did you go into investing first.
27:45 - Which goals served you well and what did not.
29:45 - Goal should be broken down to daily action steps.
31:00 - How to get in touch with Eli.

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