THE BEAST OF BRAY ROAD - Remote Viewing Investigations

1 year ago

The Beast of Bray Road is said to be a humanoid wolf-like creature that has been reported in the rural area of Elkhorn, Wisconsin. The beast was originally spotted on a farm road for which it is named.

The Beast of Bray Road is often reported as being around 7' tall, covered in hair, walking on four legs or two legs, having the body similar to a human and the head of a wolf or bear. Some say it looks like s Bigfoot or a Werewolf.

The creature was allegedly first sighted in 1936. In the 1980's and 1990's, several alleged witnesses reported the beast had made contact with their vehicles, leaving long scratch marks on doors and trunks of vehicles. One witness stated she hit something while crossing Bray Road. Upon exiting her vehicle to determine what she had hit, supposedly a large wolf-like creature with red eyes chased her back into her car, leaving claw marks in the rear passenger door. Sightings also have been reported during daylight hours, with several witnesses stating they observed an unusually large wolf-like creature running on all fours through corn fields.

What exactly is this creature? Jessica remote viewed the Beast of Bray Road and reveals her findings here on Remote Viewing Investigations!

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