Burping Compilation October #1 | RBC

2 years ago

Opening music: https://youtu.be/6T9HLAbb_CM
Ending music: https://youtu.be/OZTamSYB9KM
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raphaparola/
Quem quiser, ajude o meu canal/Who wants, help my channel:
Doar/Donate: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=D5U7PP9SDT7ZG
Doar via PIX: 2e839dd1-1f54-4d7f-8017-bdaee664963b
Valeu Demais/Super Thanks: https://youtu.be/LPWJKw5A0QA

PORT: Apresentando pra vocês, a "Burping Compilation October #1".
Finalmente outubro chegou, e pra abrir o mês, uma comp muito boa como sempre, com garotas novas nela, sim, tem muita garota nova, e tem algumas que já apareceram com vídeos novos, como vocês vão ver.
Enfim, espero que vocês gostem. :)
ENGL: Introducing to you, the "Burping Compilation October #1".
Finally October has arrived, and to open the month, a very good comp as always, with new girls in it, yes, there are a lot of new girls, and there are some that have already appeared with new videos, as you will see.
Anyway, I hope you like it. :)

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