How To Grow Your Real Estate Business In An Unstable Market

2 years ago

Kelli Guidry has spent a lot of time building her Real Estate Business as an agent. Over the past couple of years Kelli has been hit with adversity from all angles: Hurricane Ida, Tornados, COVID, divorce and more!

In our interview you are going to learn about the ways she was able to take the adversity in stride and still thrive in a completely uncertain market. Kelli will guide us through many of the mindset hacks she used throughout the process in order to get a step closer to becoming the best version of herself.

Find out how to use the power of gratitude to fuel your career and how to find people to surround yourself with that have growth and abundance based mindsets.


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•How to use the power of gratitude to fuel your journey
•How to surround yourself with people that have growth and abundance mindsets.
•Be open to challenges because they are opportunities to learning and growth
•Sometimes you have to borrow other people's beliefs and affirmations until they start to stick
•Spend some time sitting with your feelings and give yourself permission to feel them. Don't run away from them, healing can only come from experience.
•Fear and excitement are nearly the same emotion. If you label fear as excitement you can increase the likelihood of achieving what you want to
•We know there is no destination. You have never arrived so keep looking on how to expand and build out your business.
•Don’t believe in the Scarcity mindset. There is plenty of work out there. Lead your life with abundance.


“As soon as you find what you are passionate about it becomes your driver”
How To Grow Your Real Estate Business In An Unstable Market
“If my light can ignite somebody else's than that’s the impact that I can make”

“We can truly be whoever it is that we want to be “

“I stumble and I fall and I fail forward“

“If you place blame everywhere else you are a victim and you have no control over changing your situation. If you take responsibility you can manifest what it is who you want to be “


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0:00 - Introduction
0:35 - Craziest Real Estate Transaction
3:30 - Overcoming the challenges presented by Hurricane Ida
9:00 - We start discussing what the influx of calls from past clients and potential new clients as a result of the hurricane
9:30: - Homes stayed listed on the MLS through the Hurricane. Afterwards it was difficult to discover if the listing was current or if the homes were damaged by the hurricane
10:00 - Shout out to how hard the construction workers in the Bayou have been working on getting things fixed
12:20 - Devastation can really bring together a community
13:30 - You are in a commission based position. When everything is thrown off course how did you mentally survive this situation?
16:30 - Contrasting The COVID market vs The Ida Market
18:20 - Focusing on Helping People
18:40 - What is it like experiencing a category 5 hurricane?
23:30 - Discussing Scams and Violence in the aftermath
24:30 - How they were able to operate remotely
26:20 - We Started To Focus On What We Are Grateful For
26:45 - What Mindset Tricks did you use to keep yourself going?
31:10 - Kelli starts posting motivational stuff on her Facebook
33:00 - Get People To Know you like you and trust you and as long as you follow up your business will grow
34:00 - Kelli Gets into her background before real estate
38:27 - What was your catalyst for changing your behavior?
41:50 - How did you transition from being fueled by negative external influences to passion that is fueled by positive energy?
47:55 - What is your vision for the next 12 months?
51:25 - What is the best way to get in touch with you?


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