Federal Judge Blocks New York's New Gun Laws Calling Them Unconstitutional

2 years ago

NY Gun Laws impermissible

New York's new gun laws process required a ton of training no working person would have the time to complete.

They also stalk your social media going back three years to see if you're of good moral character.

To put the icing on the cake, even if you got the permit, you couldn't carry your gun anywhere because the new law made everywhere you would possibly want to carry a gun a gun-free zone.

On paper, you could get a concealed carry permit in New York, but in practice, you really didn't.

That's how badly New York wanted to restrict 2A Rights. They passed this law almost immediately after the ruling.

However, A Federal Judge just said that, "He would block the state from enforcing a lot of this new law.

He stated, "New York's attempts to bar guns in a number of places deemed "sensitive" — including museums, theaters, stadiums, Times Square, libraries, places offering services to children and anywhere alcohol is served — appeared impermissible."

That's the beauty of the supreme court ruling.

It held that New York's permitting system was unconstitutional and provided a test for any new laws passed to determine if they were constitutional.

Now it makes gun laws a lot easier to challenge in court because we won't necessarily have to wait until they get to the supreme court.

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