Hallmarks of an Effective Order of Worship

2 years ago

Worship leaders often struggle with a philosophy of worship that guides them as they prepare for the corporate worship of God. This is problematic for trained church musicians and pastors but even more so for worship leaders who are volunteers without any theological training. Effective worship exhibits hallmarks that guide worship leaders executing effective corporate worship. In this video we'll give you five questions to ask when planning and leading your congregation in corporate worship.

Want a more detailed discussion of matching music and message? Check out this video blog post:

0:00 – Introduction
0:35 – The Need for Effective Worship
1:33 – 1. Music & Message Match
2:34 – 2. 6 Core Components of Worship
3:33 – 3. Variety of Acts of Worship
4:36 – 4. Focus on Content not Style
5:34 – 5. Point to God
6:34 – Share YOUR ideas!
6:51 – Conclusion

Sacred Song Consulting exists solely to help congregations refine, revitalize, and reform traditional worship for contemporary people. We provide you with resources, we’re a guide for you to understand and know what the best practices are for traditional worship. We give you tools on how to prepare, plan, and implement traditional worship, the nuts-and-bolts ideas about what makes traditional worship work well and how it can be used to engage your congregation in offering their praise to God. We’re here to help you! You are NOT alone in wanting to produce creative and transformative traditional worship for your congregation. Reach out to us. Contact us today and let us know how we can help!


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