#33 Brett Johnson: business man, straight shooter, community leader & Candidate for State Representative

2 years ago

Interviews of other candidates available at https://joeorsaticollective.com

Brett is a Tacoma native born at St. Joseph Hospital. Brett’s parents both come from families of 6 children and his grandparents on both sides are long time Tacoma residents. Brett spent his elementary years living in Tacoma’s eastside where he attended Rogers Elementary, and participated in Eastside Boys & Girls football and basketball. After completing 5th grade Brett’s family relocated to the north end where he attended St. Patrick Middle School, and graduated from Stadium High School.

After high school Brett moved to Miami, FL where he lived with family and attended junior college. After one quarter of school it was clear that timing was not right for Brett to pursue school further so he took a job on an American flagged cruise ship that was based out of Hawaii and served one contract as a Merchant Mariner.

After completing his Merchant Mariner contract Brett enlisted in the United States Air Force where he became a journeyman air traffic controller and earned a degree in Airway Science & Air Traffic Management. Brett then used those credentials to become a Federal Aviation Administration air traffic controller and National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA) member. Always on the hunt for a bigger challenge Brett then accepted a position to be a civilian air traffic controller for NATO at Kandahar Air Base, Afghanistan.

After nearly 10 years of living away from the Northwest Brett realized that Tacoma was in fact his “city of Destiny” and he moved home after completing his contract in Afghanistan where he has been a local business owner since 2010. In addition to being a business owner Brett is currently a member of the Sound Transit Citizen Oversight Panel.

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