League of Legends - that one time I got praised for my Senna plays XD (Blind Pick)

1 year ago

Hello there folks, been a while since I played League, and went back into around December's end. Usually I play main support, though this time I chose Nasus on top over Garen. What happened? Well, a lot of favorable situations led to Nasus getting fed:
1. 4 ADs, so easy to stack armor.
2. Higher level and more items than the enemies. Once they also get full build, your being fed no longer counts, because everyone is full build now. So never delay the game to showcase yourself! Play wise, not by giving in to own impulses and urges to feel validated. A lot of people do this, and... they suffer the consequences (usually drowning in a lot of emptiness, sorrow and lack of attention).
3. Enemies being usually scattered allowed us to dispose of them in a easier manner.
4. Lack of enemy lying in bushes to ambush us was good, since my team survived way more this time.
5. I played humbly, in a way. I didn't always charge up first, UNLESS the enemies had some important skills down. I always say: check for "Bronze Mindset" (first one to come, first one to get served - aka "focused"). If you are fed, you go in AFTER your team, since they count on you, and you can make better use of own potential with enemies being more weakened - the Art of War, right? Fight smart, not necessarily hard (and no, this may be a bit bragging about my acquired wisdom - I know I feel a bit proud of it, but not detrimentally - but this is NOT about my skill in League. I do have, like most of you, some good games from time to time).
6. One great problem many people face (which I tackled by trying to end the game asap) is that people think they HAVE time. No, time is always fleeting. Especially in competitive games finish them fast, and don't let your ego get the best of you :) Flexing and showing your rank are signs of validation and expectation, you ARE trying to ruin other people's time, hence why bad things will come back at you. Have you ever heard the point: Karma is a b*tch? XD

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