Control Your Emotions

1 year ago

Control Your Emotions
by Coronet Instructional Films

This bizarre film is hosted by an unnamed "psychologist." While spouting Pavlovian claptrap such as "Fear is triggered by loud noises" and "Your emotions can be your own greatest enemy," he repeatedly interrupts the story of "Jeff," the film's protagonist. Jeff -- who looks like a heroin addict -- has a lot of trouble controlling his emotions, and the psychologist is always ready to pop in with statements such as "If this kind of behavior is repeated often, it might lead to a permanently warped personality."

Control Your Emotions doubles as a lesson in behaviorist psychology and an admonition to postwar American children. "Before man learned how to control fire and put it to work, it was man's greatest enemy. In much the same way, your emotions can be your own greatest enemy." Similar messages percolate throughout the social guidance films of the 1940s and 1950s (see, for example, A Date With Your Family on The Behavior Offensive disc, where the narrator intones, "Pleasant, unemotional conversation helps the digestion").
The links between the effort to manage and regulate outbursts of feeling and the national offensive to smooth out adolescent behavioral excesses often seem obscure. There is no doubt, however, that the architects of Fifties consensus (psychologists, educators, the judiciary, sociologists and advertisers) wished to discourage "unproductive" and negativistic behavior. "Severe emotional stress," says the narrator of this film, "often decreases efficiency." As the film Office Courtesy (on this disc) shows, carefully regulated behavior was a condition of admission to the white-collar workplace. Perhaps Jeff, the short-fused antihero of Control Your Emotions, is simply undergoing the behavior modification required in order to become a middle manager.


#ephemera, #educational, #Religion, #conservative,
#Republican, #DIY, #elections, #culture, #lifestyle,#christianfamily, #nuclearfamily,

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