MORE ROPE FOR raymond B/U...

1 year ago

Your not very bright over there are you live monitors at formerly 141 [uk bunkchute]? Well hey more validation is never a bad thing I suppose! guess now I have to waste more data on this bunk [soros/g8tes] fronted garbage platform that steals views and who the hell knows what else!

Copy and paste below of the description from the refused upload to bitchute is below_
Be nice please you complicit in global democide truth hindering, puppet live monitors here at formerly 141 [uk bunkchute]! This doesn't regard the majority of creatures anyways... unless they have lots of fancy letters behind their names that is!

The others that get the link well just a backup to other conversations from a project I'm working on! Like I figured as far as the jeebus lie goes and where it really went sideways like!

new tactic ordered by your commy cyprus masters now raymond???

I'll try it here for back up and see if raymond gives me more proof in a bit for sure! Not much else I can do stranded here broke down another day so what ever!

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