Need to Know News (6 October 2022) with Carl Herman and Brian Davidson

1 year ago

Joachim Hagopian has laid out the state of the world in clear and brutal language, because we are being targeted for mass extinction. Even though we outnumber them, 1,000,000 to 1, we are passively being led to slaughter by a propaganda machine that has long been cultivated to control the sheeple--and they are us! We are the lambs being led to our deaths (and mostly without a whimper of protest)! His whole piece can be found on my blog at Check it out--before it's too late! and it. already may be! The Donald congratulated Ginni Thomas for speaking the true about the theft of the 2020 election to the J6 committee that was formed to cover it up. Bill Clinton has emerged to suggest there are limits to immigration to pave the way for Hillary to present herself as "the centrist candidate" for the Democratic nomination in 2024. It all fits. Meanwhile, Joe Biden continues to manufacture lies (as he has done his entire career) in Puerto Rico, where some of the comments on his performance there are hilarious! Joseph Mercola, M.D., has had his website vandalized and all but completely destroyed, because he speaks (and writes) too much truth about the (fake) pandemic and the (deadly) vax. Some Democrats are insisting that schools should have priority in dealing with kids "sexual transition" issues and that parents should not even be informed "because they might kill them", which is not only absurd on its face but where teachers take improper advantage overwhelmingly more often than parents abuse their children. Yet the local and state Democrats are not condemning him for this--which is going to cost them at the polls in November. Dick Morris confirms that Hillary is gearing up to run again--and perhaps she will use the same body-double she used in 2016 when she ran against Trump. We'll just have to wait and see.

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