-Devine purpose, we're chosen before we knew it-- Unseen Twisted Truths

1 year ago

The simplest way to describe lightworkers would be as beings who feel an enormous pull towards helping others. Also referred to as crystal babies, indigos, Earth angels and star seeds, these spiritual beings volunteer to act as a beacon for the Earth, and commit to serving humanity.
One would identify himself or herself as a Beginner if he or she meets the following criteria: reiki practitioners, crystal healers, individuals who have recently come from religious institutions looking for spiritual tools and information, individuals that have experienced a transition in life (i.e. divorce, loss of loved one, illness), and/or individuals seeking more knowledge on the practices of spirituality and magic.Becoming one with the universe means accepting who you are and where you come from. Accepting your past, present, and future. There is no more “I” that stands alone – there is just everything else that we label as “the universe.”

When you become one with the universe, all doubts go away because they can’t exist in a world without division. When there is only unity, every question has an answer, every problem has a solution, and life becomes effortless and pure happiness.

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